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     Unimicro Technologies, Inc. was founded in 1996 in California, USA and maintains its principal office in Pleasanton, California. Since its inception, Unimicro has focused its efforts on chemical and biological separation and analysis with micro separation technology, especially pressurized capillary electrochromatography (pCEC) and quantitative capillary electrophoresis (qCE). As a high-tech US company situated in the Silicon Valley, Unimicro developed the first innovative instrument, TriSep®-3000 pCEC system, a dedicated instrument for pCEC with functions to perform micro-HPLC and capillary electrophoresis (CE). The next innovation is qSepTM -3010 qCE system, the first automated qCE instrument in the world equipped with rotary type of injector that can perform quantitative analysis. Dr. Chao Yan, Chairman and CSO of the company, is a recognized expert in the CEC field. He is the inventor of the TriSep CEC system and holds more than 40 patents on the design of CEC and CE instruments and fabrication of electrokinetically packed capillary columns. Dr. Yan leads the world in scientific publications on CEC and has been invited to speak in numerous international conferences. The company has 5 solely owned subsidiaries in China.

     The core values of Unimicro are innovation, quality, and customer service. Innovation means the company maintains its position as the leader in R&D of capillary separation instruments and columns. Quality is assured by meticulously designed and manufactured instruments and individually inspected columns. Meeting and exceeding customer expectations is the ultimate goal and the company will not tolerate anything less than the total satisfaction of its customers.

     Unimicro is committed to be the leader in capillary separations, especially in pCEC and qCE. In addition, the company offers the wide choice of products in liquid phase separation, including HPLC and prep-HPLC instruments and columns, along with several kinds of detectors such as evaporative light scattering detector (ELSD).